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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Call For Clinton Obstruction Of Justice and Mueller Removal Heating Up!

All over America tens of millions of concerned citizens from all walks of life and all political persuasions are demanding the immediate removal of Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein either by firing or by resignation.

Sean Hannity, a conservative voice the violent liberal left is trying to silence, is out in front using his prime time television slot to rally America to force the corrupt Deep State Operatives out.

Why are Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, James Comey and Loretta Lynch along with may other pay to play politicos being protected and not being held accountable for their Treasonous Acts against our great nation?

This is what we must ask our elected representatives and senators right now! Let's get busy and flood the switchboards in DC until they take action at (202) 226-8000 and choose Option #4 to be connected to the switchboard to speak with the rep or senator from your area.

If you are able to help us to expand this movement and call to action please do so by making a donation of any amount to our cause. We have placed a Donate Button on the right hand column of this Blog. We appreciate any help you can render as we are using those monies to pay to advertise to expand our reach. This is not a requirement just a suggestion as our content is FREE and is for the benefit of our Country. We must protect our Republic and bring the proper people to justice and stop the corruption by helping our 45th President Donald J. Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Please share this far and wide & God Bless our President & God Bless You & God Bless America!
We Shall Persist!