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Friday, September 28, 2018

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Lied Under Oath

Dr. Ford's ex-boyfriend says that he personally witnessed Ford coaching someone on how to take a polygraph test
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She testified under oath that she has *never* given tips on how to take a polygraph ⬇️

Here is the letter that contradicts her testimony under oath and to commit perjury!
She should be forced to forfeit all money she raised via go fund me and any other method to a college fund in trust for the children of Brett Kavanaugh ( Her Victim )

BREAKING: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is a FRAUD! 
Her real name is Paula Blasey as confirmed on her husband's Facebook Friends List. She Lied Under Oath

Here is a link to the Facebook Page of Russell Ford that he started in 2012 and verifies it all:

She Lied about construction work in her testimony due to her heavily medicated state. Here is a link to that story

We will be posting more to this story in the coming hours and posting on our Twitter Feed of @WeSupport45 

Here are some important images captured of evidence

Stay tuned as this story develops!
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